In The Beginning

Move along, there’s nothing to see here yet. Or maybe there is. 🤔 Or maybe I should say, there should be. It does not matter anyhow. While I’d love to write something today, I will just make this submission for now and continue setting the site up. Rest assured though, I’d have lovely posts sometime soon. Of course, I have some on Medium already. I could just Ctrl-C Ctrl-V them here. »

Author image Gabriel Owoeye


This is where our page Markdown content lives. »

Author image Gabriel Owoeye


Harmattan is here again As it comes every year It brings no new pain It is already familiar It is the Nigerian winter But there is no snow The skies are clear Humidity is low It’s all dry and dusty. Yesterday was a little bit hot, I think. But today, it can be cold and sunny, “So thanks, but I don’t need a cold drink” Sanponna ruled the land, in the days of yore »

Author image Gabriel Owoeye

The Poetic Programmer

A dual personality some may say But in reality it may not be that way He thinks with his head - a hacker He thinks with his heart - a poet On one hand, he’s for the arts On the other, he’s for Science But who’ll say there’s no science in poems? Or that hacking is no Art? He writes and he types Word processing and IDE His PC is his love »

Author image Gabriel Owoeye

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Author image Gabriel Owoeye